佛光山西方寺秉持星雲大師「人間佛教」的理念,並遵循佛光山的四大宗旨,以教育培養人才,以文化弘揚佛法,以慈善福利社會,以共修淨化人心,辦理文化、教育的工作,期盼達到:傳統與現代融合、僧眾與信眾共有、行持與慧解並重、佛教與藝文合一。故有護法信眾效法古德護教奉獻之熱忱,乃為西方寺發起 “護法委員會”。祈使西方寺僧眾得以安心辦道,普渡群機,此乃諸佛降世之本懷,亦為佛子培福植慧之機緣也。
維修基金 | 護法委員 | 敬奉佛像 | 助印經書 | 花果供養 | 點光明燈 | 打齋供眾 | 佛前油香
Supporting a place of practice – Wishing the Buddha’s light to shine universally for the right Dharma to be sustained over time and benefit sentient beings in all directions.
Offering to Buddha statues – Relying on the compassion of all Buddhas to extend our life and happiness and accomplish positive conditions.
Offering of light – Receiving the blessings of benevolent spirits to attain peace and ease in body and mind and to succeed in our careers.
Sponsoring sutra printing – Planting the seeds of benevolent causes to make positive connections broadly and grow in wisdom.
Fo Guang Shan Hsi Fang Temple (San Diego Buddhist Association) Donation Items:
Temple Foundation | Dharma Protectors | Offering to Buddha Statues | Sponsoring Sutra Printing | Offering of Flower and Fruit | Offering of Light